Web Browser App

Web Browser app information:




Join a Session

Note: The device must be on the same LAN or WiFi network as the MAX Connect.


1. Open a browser and enter the IP address down on the on the Welcome Screen of the room's primary display.


IP Addresses shown on the room display's Welcome Screen.


1. Ethernet IP address

2. WiFi guest IP address


Note: the Windows Desktop app may be downloaded on this page by clicking on the Desktop App link located near the bottom of the screen.


2. Enter a screen name and (optional) picture on landing page.

3. Enter the 4-character session ID shown in the top left corner of the room display's Welcome Screen.


"YAKY" on the Welcome Screen above.


Optional: You may set a user name and add a user photo before joining by clicking on the Settings icon and then the User settings tab. See the Settings section below.




Session Home Screen


A tool bar can be found at the bottom of the session home page. 


Shareable content can be found in the content pane on the left of the page.




From left to right, the tool provides controls for:


  1. Collapsing and un-collapsing the bar
  2. A pad for selecting and repositioning the toolbar on the screen.
  3. Share your screen content
  4. UC Camera on / off for using your device's camera.
  5. Whiteboard annotation tools. Note: These tools are not visible unless the whiteboard has been selected.
  6. Download content
  7. Session information
  8. Settings
  9. Logging out of the session


Session Information

On the home screen, click the "i" information icon  to:





The Whiteboad is found in the collapsible display pane on the left side of the page.


1. Click on the whiteboard to display it on the primary monitor.


Annotating the Whiteboard 

Click the Annotate & Display Toolbar button to access the drawing toolbar.



The annotation tool bar provides tools for drawing on the whiteboard.






Access the Settings

Settings can be accessed from the Join Session page or the Session Toolbar.


Join Session Settings Button


Session Toolbar Settings Button




Settings Tabs

General Tab

The General settings tab allows the user to:


User Tab

The user can enter a display name and upload a profile image.


There are two options for adding an image. Both are accessed by clicking on the Camera button located at the bottom of the Profile Photo page element.


Option 1: Select an image from your device.

Option 2: Take a picture using your device.

Remove photo: To remove a user photo, click on the same Camera Button.


Support Tab

On this tab, users may:


About Tab

On this tab, users can download: